Conscious Mom

Conscious Mom

Shehnaj Parveen Sarma

A mother has the biggest influence on her child, and their relationship develops from when the baby is in the womb. In this post, we discuss a mother’s influence on child development.

Becoming a mother is a journey of life-long responsibilities and is filled with moments of happiness, pride, and emotions. It can very well be called a roller coaster ride.
And a child always looks up to their mother for guidance, advice, and support. So, you sure have a very important role in their lives. Read on to know more about the ways in which you can influence your child’s development.

As a mother and the primary caregiver in your child’s earliest days, weeks and months, you are your child’s first link of any emotional bonding and attachment. Your baby will learn their first emotions in relation to you.
The way you bond with your baby in the earliest months and years will leave a deep impact on your child’s overall well-being and development. The mother and child relationship you create with your child during the earliest years will greatly influence the way your child behaves in social and emotional settings, especially in later years.
As a mother, how soon you react to your child’s needs and how you try to take care of those needs will teach your child a lot about understanding others’ and their emotional requirements.

Mothers are responsible for the environment that a child gets from the very beginning. Giving apt space for movement, creativity and play offers right environment for child development. A mother knows her child more than anyone else. Therefore, child’s behavioural development is closely observed by her. Observing child and listening to her voice gives mother an impression of what is going on inside her.

The mother is the most essential figure of attachment in a child’s life from the beginning. A child’s physical and emotional growth is dependent on their bond with their parents. When parents are absent or do not spend time with their children, their emotional development and behaviours suffer.

Depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, worthlessness, and even anger are some of the unpleasant sensations that a child may experience. Due to trust concerns, the absence of parents can also cause problems in social connections with others.

Children thrive when they have a secure and positive relationship with people, especially their parents. Studies have shown that early childhood is a period in which developmentally, a child is learning a lot from their surrounding and the people around them. This is the child’s window of learning which will impact their growing years. Therefore, as the main presence in a child’s life at this point, a mother’s relationship with her child is crucial. A mother plays multiple roles in a child’s development, as she is a teacher in every aspect of a child’s developmental growth – social emotional, physical, cognitive and independence.

Shehnaj Parveen Sarma from Guwahati practicing NLP counsellor and Life Coach and has a Facebook Page called Mind Triggers related to counselling. 
