Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Hello TBM team,


                 Thank you for the information. Excellent articles and really loved the Arts and Culture and the Travelogue section, such great InSite to our Indian culture and diversity.




Best regards,


Moninder Bumrah

The Editorial Team
The Beautiful Mind

Dear Sir/ Madam ,

I am Bhumika Kaushik,  a student of class 8, Maria’s Public School. Recently, I read some write ups from your website and enjoyed them.
I really liked reading the short stories and poems published on your website.
I would love to see some more good literary staffs and artworks specially in the Kids section in the future.  It will be a great opportunity for the young writers.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely
Bhumika Kaushik 


The Editor
The Beautiful Mind
Dear Sir/Ma’am,
I have been following your E-magazine and have read through the first issue of it, and would like to praise the interesting content that has been published. 
The magazine not only provides a great platform for budding and experienced writers but also publishes some amazing articles and short stories. 
Few stories also have an Ethnic touch to it which I personally loved, and the overall design of the magazine is quite catchy. Looking forward to reading more captivating content and would like to wish you all the very best!
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
Riddhiman Borooah.