A Chock-Ful Life

A Chock-Ful Life

D. Madhumitha

RAINY, a season of amenity and annoyance, 
who comes gently with gusts of wind,
sometimes it brings dread in hearts, 
aroma of rain — Petrichor is present everywhere. 
No matter how gloomy the season is, 
Rain makes everything beautiful, 
Whenever cloudburst, it brings
plethora of emotions and inspires some to
write like great poets or dance like peacock and thinks like sage. 
Walking in woods would be amazing while raining
The wood was silent except drizzling rain 
Even trees drizzle after raining, 
Flowers, insects, farmers have blossed 
many half-opened buds, half-unsheathed flowers were in glee
Since you, fitful rain came to earth. 
Rain drops may be a blessing and the best healer, 
which takes our miseries and grieves.
After rain, Sun appears with a colorfu Rainbow
Mixed colours of happiness. 
Rain or shine; gain or pain, 
Live a chock-ful life.