Are Video Games really worth the Time?

Are Video Games really worth the Time?


Video games and online play stations are most popular among the children of the 21st century, especially teenagers. It has now become a trend to buy playstations and play online games. It is observed that half of the teen’s population is badly addicted towards these games which can even change their future and push them from a bright room to a darker one. There are more than hundreds of online games on the internet to which children are badly addicted. Children by playing these online games make their brain dull and this hampers their life graph.  There are many other activities that children can do in order to keep themselves out from the trap of online games.

The particular period when children have just entered teens is a crucial period of hanging out with friends and having fun playing in the field and enjoying with their friends. This is the time when a child learns moral values to take care of their family members and most importantly starts loving nature. Instead of sitting in front of the phone or any other gaming instrument, a child can go out and play cricket just as our parents used to do when they were in the age group of 3 to15. After a certain period of time, every child understands what is good and what is bad. In other words we can say that they mature and start looking for such opportunities that will help them in the future. The addiction of children can be stopped if both the parents sit with the child and decide what he/she wants to be in the future. This will make the child focus on the activities that will help them build the foundation to achieve their dreams. Various online and offline courses are available nowadays, to shape the future of a child. This can be done by channelizing the potential of the child in the right direction.

A focused child can never be addicted to online games. This will, in a roundabout way, help the child come out of the trap of video games. Once the parents help the children to find their goal and set a target to fulfil, they will never deviate from their path. Few months back, I was even about to be one of the addicted players. Thankfully, my parents applied this trick on me and now I personally feel the change in myself. Playing games once or twice in a week is not a big deal but playing them every day without any gap will make them rotten and they will start sinking. Even I had the addiction of playing games but my parents helped me to get over the addiction. I started reading books and gathering more and more knowledge and the outcome was that I started scoring good results. Though I never got full marks in all the subjects but I know that my concept is clear and not only me but also all the children of India will definitely start securing good results once they are focused. All the people who are highly successful at this moment in their life strongly believe that if we start following our dreams, then we will definitely achieve it. Mixing up with all the children will make the child understand about both the good and bad people, but what to adapt will be decided by our values. A famous quotation of Dr. APJ. Abdul Kalam “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” also explains us the same thing that with education, a child acquires such power that he/she can even change the world.