Fear Not

Fear Not

Anurita Hazarika

My daughter,
Sleep doesnt trust
My veins burst,
My ribs break.

My knuckles crack
A Shadow bumps
On my breast it thumps.
Fear not my daughter,
Stay safe in me
Born you will soon be.
Aita , Borma all here unite,
To welcome you against all tide
Let me chase the Shadow to shatters
Create space for you that matters.
Fear not my daughter
As we chase the Shadow to faraway miles,
I can feel your move, it smiles
Shadows, all numbed
The wait is over,
You and I are foreover
And a new dawn is here.


Anurita  has been associated with women’s rights organization,  North East Network .She has been vocal on on issues of discrimination and abuse on women in Assam to influence policy makers and also public opinion . At NEN, she has been instrumental in building rural women’s leadership by setting up Gramin Mahila Kendras. She started connecting women survivors of violence  to livelihood which is now known as Saneki Weaves .