Foot Care Tips

Foot care tips

Papori Dutta

The feet are the most neglected part of our body during beauty care routine.  We regularly take care of our face, hair, hands and skin but he feet is the last in our priority list. But the feet require importance in beauty care too, because most of the time the feet are exposed to dirt and grime or are covered in socks and shoes.  The feet are susceptible to bacterial or fungal infections,bad odour, corns, calluses, cracked skin.

Here are a few important tips to take care of our feet which may be included in our daily schedule-

  • Washing feet- We must wash our feet everyday with soap to remove the dirt,grime and odour. If we do not wash our feet regularly there is every chance of bacterial and fungal infections flourishing especially in the skin between the toes.

  • Drying feet- We must then dry our feet properly as wet feet in socks and shoes may give rise to fungal infections. The fungal infections may cause itching, burning, peeling of skin or even painful blisters.

  • Moisturising- Just as we moisturise our face and hands, we should not forget to moisturise our feet also. Lack of moisture in the feet will leave our feet dry, scaly and chapped. A generous dose of moisturiser is very necessary.

  • Exfoliation- It is important to exfoliate the dead skin at least once in a month. This can be done by a pumice stone or loofah.  This will ensure that the dirts and grime is removed from the hardened skin. The feet should then be moisturised to soften it.

  • Pampering- The feet should also be pampered at times. Soaking it in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes softens the skin. A hydrating mask can be applied to the feet and then washed with warm water. Massaging a foot cream or lotion will make the foot soft and supple and will rejuvenate it.

  • Sunscreen- If one remains barefoot or wears open sandals , then it is important to put on sunscreen lotion.

  • Shoes- wearing comfortable shoes is very important. Wearing insoles can make one comfortable if the person is standing for a long time.  Wearing high heels for a long period of time is also not advisable as it may lead to pain.

  • Treatment- If your feet have cracks, corns or calluses, it should be treated immediately. It is important to visit a podiatrist if there is fungus, infection or bacteria.

  • Pedicure- Visit to a salon at least twice a month is recommended. Pedicure is very good for diabetic patients. 

Papori Dutta, proprietor DARPAN, A beauty academy established in 2003, offering makeup, beauty, hair styling, nail art courses and other beauty services. She has done courses from Toni & Guy, Hong Kong, Vidal Sassoon, London & Heading Out Academy, Australia.