For the Pahado Walla!

For the Pahado Walla!

Moramee Das

It was in his arms were she forgot about her existence!

Was it unadulterated love?

I think it was.

She was transformed to someone else ….

Maybe her true self ?

But, it was all for good!


The girl from the plains was touched by

the “holy” & “wild” nature of this man.

In whose deep brown eyes, she wanted to swim

Yes, she did swam & drown herself!

Freed herself from the bindings of the society.


No one was to be blamed for it!

They danced,

Danced in the tune with the nature around them,

the huge snow clad mountains,

 the sparkling moon reflecting on the lake &

 those stars which were smiling at them ….


But she knew that, she was no longer the same.

In his arms she was his.

She was insobriety

But I guess she was in a pure spiritual sense

The Bird was embracing the real Human.


I was purely aware of the fact of what

Society calls it!

But who cares ….

As long as it was pure & beautiful,

to keep it as a souvenir & not to intricate it.


But they both sensed that it was pious & it happened because of it!


Moramee Das

A survivor from Nepal earthquake

All Women Indian Team Member to Everest Base Camp

(One of Jamling’s Angels)