May be the conflict began
When we conquered the beasts
Or the moment we lit the fire
Owning the darkest nights
The spears thrown at our prey
Turned towards our own brethren
Our differences deepen
For more than six yards
Our strife began
Vying for other’s wife
We sharpened our knife
Our psyches to and fro
Between Id and ego
The strong over the weak
The bullies over the meek
The wrong over right
We flexed our muscle not in front of the mirror
But each and every corner
We strived to build the weapons of mass destruction
Having lived in fear as cave men
But this time not fearing the wild
But our fellow men
This almanac may go unending
All the gloom descending
To the famine to flood
We foster ravines
All the glory put to an end
As a race we disdained
In all the beliefs we follow
The main theme we swallow
Even before we stand at the God’s door
Each night as we go to sleep
The question that pops up
In our stormy mind

SAIPRAKASH KUNTAMUKKALA is a poet with passion and an Advocate by profession. He has written more than 2000 poems in different genre and style.His poems are translated into 15foreign and Indian languages. He is a recipient of Gujarat Sahitya Academy Golden badge.