Sought World

Sought World

Saranga Mahanta

The world I seek is simple.

I see beast and man,

relishing hand in hand.

Where Alps and Fuji

are ever-nigh neighbours,

feet upon the same land.

Where the Nile and the Ganges

haven’t forgotten that Tiber

is their own lost brother,

from the One Faith- Nature.


Where lips may move with flaw,

but hearts sing the same song

And there is no wrong

in a little leisure,

or some sacred pleasure.


In this reality that I seek, I see

men are more than what they create,

and the latter ne’er dominate.

Where hope is not a false deed.

This world in which love is forever

will soon be,

for what I seek is simple indeed.

Saranga Mahanta is an engineering student at NIT Silchar. He has a craze for adventures and a love for the hills. He play the piano and write haiku and stuff when his creativity strikes every once in a blue moon