Of Lovemaking

Of Lovemaking

Leena Doley

In the alternate universe

That we live in

You have already

Made love to me

In all ways possible

Except in the basic way

That normal people do

Do you think you can top that

Ethereal lovemaking

Belonging not to this world

But to a secret universe

That only we have the keys to


You told me that the

First embrace

Relegates love

To an earthly occupation


So why don’t we let that

Lovemaking continue

And not come down to this

World of earthly whims

And sorrows

Where time keeps watch

And the world awaits us

To be one with their



Let’s continue in that universe

Visited by wonder and beauty

Untouched by the superficial, the ordinary


Let our souls and minds

Continue their uninhibited discourse

Where time has no relevance

Where the sun doesn’t peep

Reminding us of inconsequential things


Let us remain

As wonderful and untouchable as we are

To the world

And to each other

Exploring each other

Basking in the wonder

Of all that our souls share

Lustrous shining

Leena Doley
Leena Doley is a police officer and a mother of two. She is also a voracious reader, movie buff, feminist, dabbler in new experiences and a dreamer imagining a world which is equal and humane.