Mansi Chaturvedi

 It had all been fine and suddenly everything seem to have turned around for them. They were happy, contented, easy going in life, a small happy family and suddenly one day life seemed to turn a new page for them. Sad but yet it is true, a new page, no matter how difficult  the situation, no matter how hard you keep yourself in check, no matter how disappointing it had been and how much you tried yo keep your patience and hope alive, still I call it a new page. The story never stops unless you do, every new day, new moment , new second is always a new beginning. It might have been worse but still I term it as a new phase. Strange it is but there is or we always hope and believe that tomorrow  will be another chance .
They had lost a lot, be it family or livelihood, people had always been in awe of them. The two stood strong against time for they had each other. I had never seen them complain or share their sorrow with anyone , infact they were never on the receiving end. They had given and shared a lot, be it their time, money, love, care or happiness. Today it was a fall, a disturbing one but they kept smiling through till the end. They planned and kept going and taking every opportunity  that came their way.
The fall is welcomed by few and for some it is time to leave to better pastures. The colours and shades vary, gradually turning from green to golden shades. The rust, the crumbling, the dryness makes it look weak and light, so easily perishable, so easily carried away.What stands out during the Fall is the support and strength  that is hidden under the dense green cover. It is during the Fall that you see who can withstand every change undithered from it’s  place.
The Fall is only the phase which though a bit disturbing , helps you to get time to prepare and even move  , not to escape but to find means and ways to help yourself. When the Fall is here you know what comes ahead will be cold, at times annoying, at times severe but the Fall is just the signal that gives you time. What lies ahead is cold , yet you have prepared yourself so that you can stock up and keep yourself warm and comfortable when it is cold outside.
Never fear a Fall, it only makes you strong as now you know how to prepare yourself better when it turns cold outside.You might hear the crumbling sound as you walk the road, you might not find a shade but remember there is always the sun that you can now see clearly that will brighten your way.