Beyond Death

Beyond Death

Parminder Sethi

The gator inside wishes to fight.
For once, this time, it’ll be alright.
Blood sucking leeches and serpents abound,
Crawl in this spiral into infinite darkness and beyond.
Tread with me this forsaken path
or else bear with me, the never ending wrath .
Butcher the alive but don’t you smile .
Pestilence and hate,
Death is your fate.
Would famine erase all that you have got.
Body, soul and thought incinerated in the abysmal pot.
This world is but hades dominion,
And we his minions.
Walk with me , into oblivion.

Parminder Sethi, a  19 year old college student from Guwahati. Currently, he is pursuing his undergraduate in economics from Delhi University. When he is not stressing about studies, he usually hearing music, watching YouTube or thinking about something.