Untitled Poem

Untitled Poem

Kirti Ajitsaria

The society cannot accept opinionated women just like you and I,

The ones that stand tall and aim to soar high.

Women before us have only witnessed suppression,

Their freedom of expression was always met with opression.

But here I am with rock solid opinions,

I won’t back down to misogyny and its minions.

The words that leave my mouth will be a little louder,

A little more firm, more powerful and prouder.

The society won’t accept opinionated women just like you and I,

But all these years of patriarchy we will slowly rectify.

Kirti Ajitsaria has been a content writer for more than 4 years. She has interned with The North Eastern Chronicles(TNEC) for over a year (2017-2018) and currently posts content on her Terribly Tiny Tales(TTT)  account under the handle :- ambivert_with_issues. She posts content in various formats including poems, movie and book reviews, personal blogs and other write-ups