

 Ishanika Kashyap

A land, black and white,
It always shows a bright side.
We envision Victory and Success,
My strategies, plans and progress.
Queen, king and bishop,
They always stay at the top.
Their greatness is a big virtue,
Dignity and respect is what they teach you.
The two knights make a leap,
And the warriors are ready to peep.
Covered in a suit of armour all through,
Efficiency and flexibility is what they teach you.
The rooks move up and down,
They make sure not to frown.
Great, powerful and wisely true,
Rejuvenate and revitalize is what they teach you.
The eight little pawns stand in formation,
And with a great source of inspiration.
They stand together United and strew,
Corporation and connection is what they teach you.
A subtle move on a board,
“Oh no!” Your opponent roared.
Plans and strategies finally concealed,
You checkmate your opponent on battle field.

Ishanika Kashyap. She reads in Class 9 in Maria’s Public School, Birkuchi, Guwahati. She is  interested in creative writing and singing.