Men, Dear Men

Men, Dear Men


Oh my dearest men,
I have seen you protecting me,
I have seen how well behaved you are
It doesn’t matter what people think or say,
for me the existence of
my paa, my bhai and friends is a proof: 
How nonpareil angels you truly are!!
Yes I have heard about heinous crimes,
I myself feel unsafe while I am out sometimes
But how can I ignore the fear in your loving eyes,
that a lass might misconstrue you
before giving her advice,
you have to think twice!
Oh dear men,
I am a damsel and,
 let me be very clear,
you are not the cause of my distress for sure
Though there are some awful people from your species,
who force us to think about you more and more!
But men, dear men,
I can proudly say,
I respect your gender,
from the bottom of my heart
I can’t imagine this world without you 
Never feel you’re superior or inferior,
you are equally an important part!