Skin Care Tips

Skin Care Tipns

Papori Dutta

A few important tips for a flawless, glowing skin are-

1) Cleanse the skin twice daily. Use cleanser as per skin type. While cleansing take care that the natural oil is retained. A cleanser with mild chemicals is recommended.

2) Moisturizing the skin is very important. One should do it twice daily. Once after a shower in the morning and once before going to bed.

3)Use sunscreen at least fifteen minutes before going out in the sun and reapply it every two hours. Sunscreen should be worn in all weather conditions.

4)Besides sunscreen, one should use sunglasses, broad brimmed hats etc.

5) Avoid exposure to heat is important. One should not be too close to heaters or bathe with very hot water.

6)Hydration is very important. Both inside and outside. At least eight glasses of water should be drunk every day.Cleanser,moisturiser, anti- age ing creams with hydration formula should be used.

7)Exfoliate the skin twice a week to remove dry, dead skin.

8)Removing make up every night is very important.

9) One should avoid touching one’s face as it could spread bacteria and cause breakouts.

10)One should eat a balanced diet comprising of adequate vegetables and fruits for good skin.

11) One should also get a good night’s rest for good skin.

12) Nowadays there are too many products in the market. One should use products suitable for the skin type and not too many products.

13) Facials once a month is beneficial.

Papori Dutta, proprietor DARPAN, A beauty academy established in 2003, offering makeup, beauty, hair styling, nail art courses and other beauty services. She has done courses from Toni & Guy, Hong Kong, Vidal Sassoon, London & Heading Out Academy, Australia.