So how do you know whether you’re a nice person or someone who fits the profile of a people pleaser? It’s one thing to want to help others because it’s part of your nature. But people pleasers often end up being taken advantage of by others. Signs you may be a people pleaser can include:

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Independence of Judiciary

The Judiciary is the third organ of the Government which has the authority to interpret the laws,
protect, defend and implement it to settle disputes among people involved in the cases. The
Judges are the decision makers when it comes to unravelling the true explanation of the laws.

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Letting Go

A tiring day it was when the formalities finally got over; paperwork, money transfer and number plate selection. I walked towards the parking area for a final check on any personal items that might have been forgotten during the handover

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Peculiar Sites

Science has proved to be very accurate in explaining some of the mysteries surrounding us,
however, in more than enough instances humankind has witnessed the presence of various distinctive structures.

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