Meanwhile, this ‘revolution’ kept on happening with frequent intervals. We soon realised that not only the students, the teachers were also into the ongoing andolan. And this is how time wore on. More importantly, to our utter satisfaction,

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The Saga of Doury & Youdi – Chapter 4

She was the only girl child between both the families.

Perhaps the only link of ‘no love lost’ amongst the cousins. Sister to a hundred brothers of Kooroo and a cousin to the Paendeeys’ she was the apple of their eyes. She grew up pampered, loved but No, never spoilt. Dusheily was as pretty as a flower and as strong as a stone. Brizm, the patriarch of the family trained her well, in talents of the boardroom and martial arts.

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There was not much change in the course of our lives. But then we felt we were great for we realised that we were no longer the same ordinary pupils anymore. We were no less important. After all we had been to jail for the cause of our country. But school remained all the same. Sir was still teaching us the multiplication table. With going for pissing and drinking water getting increasingly difficult with very complicated rules,

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We were in the middle of the neota, reading the multiplication table chaotically loud when Sir, adjusting his dhoti, put his right feet on the chair and placed his right elbow on the knee to fan himself with a hand fan made of palm leaf. We also had similar fans at home which were bought every year from the Ashtami mela at Dhubri….

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The saga of Doury & Youdi (Chapter 3 )

Krey is what every youngster wants to be. Tall dark handsome, popular; No! Change that to – immensely popular with the girls. Well read, witty, had a way with words, a good musician, could weave magic with the pipes. Skilled in a variety of martial arts and a master with the Chakram, an ancient martial arts weapon. He was a natural leader, popular with the masses….

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Grasshopper Chronicle- Part II

School was troublesome, primarily because Sir was teaching too much of mathematics and the ones who could solve those sums and even enjoyed doing those were the admired lot. Sujata and Chandan were maths experts so they would to sit in the front bench.

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Grasshopper Chronicle

We were still in our primary school in the summer of 1979. It was eventless as ever. The only time we liked school when the teachers from the Basic Training Centre (BTC) ……..

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