Youth of India


Youth is the most important and dynamic segment of the population in any country. It is believed that developing countries with a large youth population could see tremendous growth, provided they invest in young people’s education, health and protect and guarantee their rights. We can undoubtedly say that today’s young are tomorrow’s innovators, creators, builders and leaders. The youth once more has the ability to bring about a change in the country. Youths seem to have the ability to face any issues and challenges. The ones who are destroying their future, they tend to listen to their fellow youths. They will make them understand the importance of being a good human being. Moreover, technology is available to each and every kid in today’s time in India, except a few. The youth of today is increasingly becoming restless and struggling to remove the disparities. Besides, today’s kids are practicing different methods like Law of Attraction, self talk, etc for making their paths more clear and easy to achieve. But some need the required support in terms of good health, education, training and opportunities to transform the future. However, more efforts need to be put in, if we are to become free from the vicious circles of poverty, malnutrition, corruption, violence and unemployment. Today, India is one of the youngest nations in the world with more than 62% of its population in the working age group (15–59 years), and more than 54% of its total population below 25 years of age. It is further estimated that the average age of the population in India by 2020 will be 29 years as against 40 years in the USA, 46 years in Europe and 47 years in Japan. But there are some certain issues where India has to focus.
1. EDUCATION The first factor to be focused on is Education. The government should make sure that every child is getting proper education in his/her lower primary as well as upper primary. And the best thing is that as the days are passing by, people are understanding the importance of education in a child’s life. Talking about the rural areas, children are going to schools and they are doing really great. And the schemes, like free mid day meals, also attract the children to go to school. Knowledge and unity speaks a lot rather than experience. Education programs should aim to teach young minds right from the school level the importance of choosing the right people who would take charge of governance. Youth should be motivated to consider politics as a means to serve the nation. They should be oriented on anti-corruption drives with focus on prevention, education, and strategies for fighting corruption. Good governance is realistic with youth empowerment. Young mind is more fresh and innovative which helps in the progress of the country. But adequate opportunities should be given to the youth to represent their ideas and policies for the upliftment of the nation.
2. NEP (New Education Policy) The new policy seeks rectification of poor literacy and numeracy outcomes associated with primary schools, reduction in dropout levels in middle and secondary schools and adoption of the multidisciplinary approach in the higher education system. Apart from this, the policy also focuses on early childhood care, restructuring curriculum and pedagogy; reforming assessments and exams, and investing in teacher training and broad-basing their appraisal. Though the NEP 2020 seeks to bring a holistic change in the education system of India, its success depends on the will and way in which it will be implemented. The new National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, is a good policy as it aims at making the education system holistic, flexible, multidisciplinary, aligned to the needs of the 21st century. The intent of policy seems to be ideal in many ways but it is the implementation where lies the key to success.
3. NUTRITION An adequate well-balanced diet is crucial for child survival, health and development. Well nourished children are more likely to be healthy, productive and ready to learn. Undernutrition has the opposite effect, it stunts intellect, reduces productivity and perpetuates poverty. It increases a child’s chance of dying and increases their susceptibility to childhood infections, such as pneumonia, diarrhea, and malaria. Undernutrition is not only caused by not eating enough food. Childhood diseases, such as diarrhea or intestinal worm infestation, can affect the absorption of, or requirements, for nutrients. Now talking about Malnutrition, it is a broad term that refers to all forms of poor nutrition. Simply put, malnutrition includes both undernutrition and overnutrition. Malnutrition is not a condition affecting only the poor, it cuts across all social-economic groups across India.Prevention and treatment of undernutrition requires more than a focus on nutrition alone. Improving access to safe water, promoting hygiene, and preventing and treating diseases are just as important. Nutrition can be improved through social safety nets, social protection schemes and other poverty eradication measures. We all will have to work together to help the poor people to get proper nutrition. Along with the adults, the youths will also have to be nutritioned properly.
The role of the youth in nation building is crucial. They are problem solvers, have a positive influence on other young people and the nation, and are extremely ambitious. They have the ability to create an identity for themselves and move the nation forward. However, they will not be able to do this without the support of family, community, Government and fellow youths. Then the youth can make their beautiful land flourish and shine in success.

Class: VIII, South Point School