Rajnish Goswami

A turbo trainer is a static device which provides a form of resistance that replicates the feeling of the road. The bike is hooked to the turbo by connecting the chain to a drive unit or in some trainers, by resting the rear wheel on a platform.
Turbo trainers allow you to change the amount of resistance which help you to control your workouts. Sprints sessions, hill sessions or slow long ride sessions can be simulated in the comforts of your homes.
Long hours can be spent on the trainer and you have the freedom to ride when you choose to.
Riding on turbo trainers also have a few benefits.
It helps making you a faster cyclist :—
 Most riders training with a power meter or a coach who’s practicing structured workouts will find that indoor training is one of the best ways to train for speed.
One hour on the turbo is equal to almost 2 hrs on the road :— 
Some amount of time riding on the road is usually spent freewheeling . On a hilly ride when descending time is added, it can be about 30%. Turbo training is more intense since there is no freewheeling .
Variables for interval training are eliminated :— 
Variables like traffic lights, road conditions ,traffic etc, which are not in your control do not affect your interval sessons when riding indoors.
Safer during the evening :-
You are vulnerable on roads, especially at night.
No need to wash the bike after a wet ride.:—
There are no hassles of cleaning your bike after a indoor session.
Improving  your pedalling technique:—
Riding indoors help you focus on your pedalling technique , cadence and pedal stroke  which help make improvements to your cycling.
Stick to your training plan :—
Whether its raining outdoors, or very warm – theses factors do not matter when you train indoors.
Track your fitness:—
Record every workout to ensure you peak at the right time.
Build mental toughness :-
Turbo training is real and can get very boring. If you can concentrate on your training and hit the numbers , you’ll learn to suffer and win.
Inspite of these benefits there will still be a lot of debate between indoor trainng and outdoor rides. 
Most coaches recommend a mix of both to achieve maximum gains.

Rajnish Goswami, obese till 2015, successfully completed multiple Marathons and Ironman half distance and full distance races. He is a fitness enthusiast and an avid reader of sports science