Holiday In Hill Station

Holiday In Hill Station

Monobina Nath

The snow rock was standing near, 
Trembling hands with malty beer. 
Eyes are pinned at misty window- pane,
Snow hails at mountains again. 
Cosy blanket floating on the wooden floor, 
Wet and dry forever more.
Table was blushing with cheese and wine, 
Braising steak, caramel pudding, strawberry tart with stein.
Evening covered by amiable garments, 
Skyscraping slope into small- scale settlements.
Hands are sweating besides set fire,
Wolves howl in the shire.
Lovely charms of the tireless stream of smoky idleness,
Some gleaming gems and drowsy quietness.

Monobina Nath is a poetess, who writes about maidenhood, women’s rights, psychology, mythology and history. She has a keen interest about different cultures and their cuisines. She recently launched her YouTube channel (Monobina Nath) and has a strong passion for both photography and paints.