The Shrills of Cicadas

The shrills of cicadas

Oshyajem Longkumer

The shrills of cicadas,

Pierces through the concrete,

On a hushed eve.

When pregnant with thoughts

The clock ticked on,

That’s how life pales away

In all the bustles,

So much to do

And be done;

Like chasing in the face

Of Time and unknown.

So much to say,

Yet, better is tacenda,

And in the faint light of the moon,

The Cicadas left a trail,

To last, to rouse,

The slumberous soul,

In the quatervois of life.

Oshyajem Longkumer is a Research scholar at Assam Don Bosco University. She is a teacher by profession– a foodie at heart and loves travelling. She draws inspiration for writing poems from as simple as a life’s encounter or when in the midst of nature. Her poems have been recently featured in the launching issue of “Soul Connection(The first quarterly E-Magazine of Northeast India’s Literature and Poetry) and in “Olio(The maiden Publication of Worsmithereens- the Nagaland Chapter of the North-East Writers’ Forum.)