Sumitra D’Chettry

Walking through the long turret,

Up the algae-wrapped steps,

Greenery soothing the parched sight,

The dry twigs sigh under the feet in pain,

The hanging trellis and roots,

Swing to the rhythmic stir of the soft breeze,

The reach to the top, end of the trek;

Spread below, a sight far and wide,

The blue waves beating the shore in glee,

The coves ring in the chirp of the flurry birds and scurry of the little animals,

Sounds of the swishing coconut leaves,

Caressing the abandoned silence,

The golden sands of bereft of any humanity,

As humanity resides inside latticed windows, closed shutters, lacy curtains,

The sound of the din of the Television,

Keeping the young and old busy,

As they Wash, Sanitise, Cleanse, To keep away the dreaded virus.

Nature relishes as Humanity languishes .

Long I stood, drinking the sight,

Beholding to mull when I feel low in my Isolation.

Sumitra D Chettry is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English, Narengi Anchalik Mahavidyalay, Narengi. her area of interest is English, American, Northeast, Dalit, Tribal, Assamese, Hindi, Nepali, African literature/ New Criticism, and photography. She has also published a textbook for English honours students.