Rajnish Goswami

When the distance you find challenging now feels easy in the future, it means you have increased your stamina.A marathon never feels easy , but  one day you will look back and notice what you find challenging now ,will feel much easy. Consistency, which means multiple runs week after week, builds fitness. There are no short cuts if you want to increase stamina. It generally takes 10 days to 4 weeks to benefit .The time will depend on the type of run, quicker and more intense ones being on the bottom end of the range ,with longer steady runs at the top end.
At the beginning you need to make a correct assessment of your current aerobic base and build on that. Whether you’re a new runner attempting to run a 5k ,to a more experienced one looking to increase your stamina targeting a PR ,the rule of too much too soon always holds true which only leads to injury.
 To build your aerobic base and increase stamina, you need to be consistent.Consistent training increases your stamina and stregthens your muscles. When you begin to add extra miles to your week, they should be slow. Aim for 3 to 4 sessions per week for 30 minutes or more.Aim to make one of these your long runs where you target a distance longer than any of your other runs that week.
You need to run long to be able to run long.Increase this distance by 5-10 minutes or add around 2 kms each time.It might not sound much but it adds up.Do your long runs at a slow and sustainable pace, just focus on covering the distance.Speed follows endurance.
These runs are normally run over shorter distances but at a higher pace that at which you normally train.This training helps your body to clear lactic acid from the bloodstream quicker which means you can run longer.These runs increase lactic threshold limits. It also makes running pace feel much easier.These are key in increasing the speed. These runs should be comfortably hard lasting 20-40 minutes.They should not be an all out effort which leaves you gasping for breath but should be an effort to last the time.
As a runner focus should be on carbs making 60% of your diet.You don’t need to eat a whole lot . Be mindful of your carb intake to make sure it complements your training.Before a long run you need good carb based meal to ensure you have enough energy to cover the distance.Choose complex carbohydrates such a s whole grains, oat meal instead of refined carbs and sugary foods.
The longer you run, the more you challenge yourself and the more you need to ensure your body is recovering between sessions.Good recovery comes from a good diet, stretching and sufficient sleep.Aim for a good meal of carbs and protein within 30 minutes after a run.
Hope this helps you build your stamina and gets you covering more mileage than before.

Rajnish Goswami, obese till 2015, successfully completed multiple Marathons and Ironman half distance and full distance races. He is a fitness enthusiast and an avid reader of sports science