I love my life

I love my life

Navanita Medhi

I love my life
and want to live it
in my own ways,
without disturbing anyone,
without thinking of doing any harm
to others,
I want to live
this small span of time
called life
in my own ways.
May not be as perfect as
one may be having,
may not be as rewarding as
one may be getting,
I love my life –
the blessings whichever are coming
my ways,
the charms which I have found
in it.
By lightning a lamp to dispel
the intricacy and obscurity of any kind
listening to a melody to get going
the rhythms of life smoothly,
simple a life I want to live –
having nothing to do against anyone
where prevails the happiness of my kind
every time,
with honesty and integrity
being my untiring spirits.


Navanita Medhi is from Guwahati. She teaches Political Science at J. B. Law College, Guwahati. She takes interest in writing both in English and Assamese since childhood.