

Pinki Hazarika

As an important part of yogic practices, meditation is one of the 8 limbs of yoga. So today let us see what Meditation is and also the benefits we get when we meditate regularly


Meditation is the way to take deep rest and be alert and conscious at the same time. It is the skill to calm the mind and get in touch with your inner joy.

It is an art. Everyone has 10’s just a matter of learning how to use those 10 fingers and create somthing do melifious as music. In the same way we have a mind, we can think…so we all can meditate. It’s just that little skill to see how we can calm the mind and get in touch with the source of energy that we are..

Mind becomes calm and serene, it gives access to this enormous intelligence and energy that we possess within us. So it’s a way to take the deep rest and at the same time being alert .

Often people say– oh it’s so difficult to focus the mind, so difficult to be free from thoughts and so — to relax—one must learn meditation and get the most profound experience of life. One doesn’t have to become a recluse or change lifestyle and do lot of penance to meditate.

You can begin meditation with a good instructor who has proper knowledge to guide one to meditate…and maybe in the first day itself one can experience profoundness and feel that something which is so wonderful..

And as you practice on a regular basis- once or twice a day- one will notice s transformation within oneself…people around will also start recognising that beautiful energy that you carry around along with you. So one should meditate for s few minutes everyday and make life free from stress and have more happiness in life.

Some benefits of meditation:

👉 Gaining a new perspective on stressful situations

👉Increasing self awareness

👉Building skills to manage your stress

👉Focussing on the present

👉Reducing negative emotions

👉Increasing imagination and creativity

👉Increasing patience and tolerance

👉It acts as an immunity booster

👉It helps to reduce high BP, heart problem and also anxeity and tension.

Meditation training improves a wide range of willpower skills, including attention, focus, stress management, impulse control and self-awareness. It changes both the function and structure of the brain to support self-control. For example, regular meditators have more gray matter in the prefrontal cortex.

It can strengthen areas of your brain responsible for memory, learning, attention and self-awareness. The practice can also help calm down your sympathetic nervous system. Over time, mindfulness meditation can increase cognition, memory and attention. The relaxation response [from meditation] helps decrease metabolism, lowers blood pressure, and improves heart rate, breathing, and brain waves, Tension and tightness seep from muscles as the body receives a quiet message to relax.There’s scientific evidence showing how meditation works. In people who are meditating, brain scans called MRI have shown an increase in activity in areas that control metabolism and heart rate. Other studies have shown that meditation produces long-lasting changes in the brain activity in areas involved in attention, working memory, learning, and conscious perception.

The soothing power of repetition is at the heart of meditation. Focusing on the breath, ignoring thoughts, and repeating a word or phrase – a mantra – creates the biological response of relaxation,

At the initial level , one might feel restless, discomfort in the mind and the body and it might be difficult to keep your eyes closed for a certain time…but with practice you overcome everything and start enjoying the practice

So let us close our eyes, sit comfortably and easily with our spinal chord erect for sometime everyday and meditate…

Pinki Hazarika
Art of living Faculty
Regional Director GEP
Has been with the organisation since 20years, a meditator, a yoga enthusiast and an ardent devotee of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar ji