Rajnish Goswami

Running in the winter won’t feel the same. Here are some suggestions on how to dress for the winters
Winters can be a warm relief to many runners after an extremely hot and humid summer.
In addition, the mask will help in not only preventing the cold but will also keep you safe .
However for runners who are new to running in cold climates, it can get a little tricky and to still avoid the treadmills or indoors one needs to know what to expect and how to layer up.
While dressing up for your winter run you need to remember that the body starts heating up very fast, which might result in overheating. Hence care must be taken while layering up. Layering properly helps regulate the body temperature and it keeps away cold related illness. Now the opposite is also true: once you stop running, the body cools down very quickly so get out of the wet clothes as soon as you finish the run. Always bring on a spare pair of clothes to put on or get into warm shower once you finish the run. 
Dressing in layers is the essence to running comfortably during the winters. Once you start feeling warm after you start, you can start shedding as your body warms up and you need less clothing. You can simply tie the extra clothing like jackets, pullovers around your waist and continue running or plan a loop so that you can drop them off at some safe spot. Keep the base layer at the bottom so as you take layers off, the correct one is still underneath. 
A few essentials you require when stocking up for the winter session- 
  1. Running tights, Pants
  2. Long sleeve tech shirts which can be used as a base layer
  3. Cap
  4. Running jacket/ pullover
  5. Running socks.

Rajnish Goswami, obese till 2015, successfully completed multiple Marathons and Ironman half distance and full distance races. He is a fitness enthusiast and an avid reader of sports science